Browse Items (19 total)
Article from the publication "The Friend" on the sesquicentennial commemoration services held in Cornwall, Connecticut.
List of items: 1-Article…
Meeting agenda for a board meeting. Rev. William Kamau - Second Kahu of Kawaiaha'o. First kahu to only speak Hawaiian.
Matters of church business throughout each Apana directed to the board of trustees including purchases, correspondences, membership, and concerns and…
Reports and correspondances between church committee menbers and the church administraion regarding matters of business related to sunday school,…
Christian Endeavor reports, petitions, agendas, minutes, and letters. Both handwritten and typed
Christian Endeavor reports, petitions, agendas, minutes, correspondences, newsletters and receipts. Both handwritten and typed. Includes February 13,…
Christian Endeavor reports, petitions, agendas, minutes, correspondences, newsletters. Both handwritten and typed
Church charters for the following churches: Ewa Church-1883, Chinese Christian Church-1879, Kaneohe Church-1849, Hilo Church-1874, and Waialua…
1965 newsletters (Ka Punawai O Ke Ola) interspersed with a sermon and membership meeting minutes and reports
A ledger of members by apana beginning in 1859; admission to membership 1860-1863;children baptized 1860-1863.